Instead, head over to the video store and rent, scratch that, buy, scratch that, buy two copies and mail one to me, Let The Right One In.
I'm going to be honest here. I love vampire movies. Love them. And it's tough, being a vampire movie lover. It's akin to watching a loved one suffer through a terminal illness. They have their good days (Lost Boys, Near Dark, Dracula, From Dusk To Dawn) but it's mostly bad days (Vampz, Dracula 2000: 1-3, Vampires: The Turning, Ultravoilet [which really doesn't count, in more ways than one]).
But Let The Right One In is everything that's good and holy about vampire movies. It's creepy, it's oddly sweet, there's blood, someone bursts into flames. And the whole thing is filmed so beautifully it made my optical nerves explode (EXPLODE!) with joy. It's a gorgeous film, full of white and reds. Even the Rubik's Cube is lined up beautifully. I don't know if you're a subtitles girl (the gossip rags tell me you're not, but I hear you like The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, so there is hope), but that really doesn't matter. You can turn those puppies off (heh, turning off puppies) and just let the story unfold before you. From the initial snowfall to the poolside massacre, it's fantastic. I would marry this film.
You hear me California?! You won't stop me!
Yet another movie for my exhaustive list.